This April, we’re mighty excited to be releasing a very special new book that will teach you how to harness your full potential using the power of numbers and planets.
You’ve probably heard of astrology, might read your star sign on a regular basis, and (if you’re anything like some of the staff in the THA office) may even feel that a Mercury retrograde perfectly explains the chaotic world around you.
But did you know that numbers are believed to have their own energies at play? This is known as numerology, and it has continually fascinated people since ancient times.
Cosmic Numerology is tool that pairs the power of numbers with ancient planetary knowledge, to help you better understand your personality, enhance your talents and deepen your relationships.
It’s also the title of a new book by yoga teacher, herbalist, aromatherapist, and numerologist, Jenn King. We recently spoke with Jenn to find out more about the book. Read on for the full interview.

In your book, you speak of studying numerology, astrology, tarot, meditation, and yoga, starting when you were a teenager. What do you think it is that draws you towards all things mystical?
I would of course say it’s because I have a 7 (Neptune) hanging out in my numerology birth chart, which creates a desire to understand the unseen or energetic world. Aside from that, I have always had a sense of wonder around the mystical and spiritual realms. To me it makes sense that by understanding other aspects of our universe and human experience we are able to feel connected to what is beyond ourselves and grow as a person.
I am fascinated by the things we know but can’t explain and I find it so beautiful that people throughout the ages have created spiritual ways to celebrate and make meaning out of life. My mother and aunties always called me ‘fae’ (meaning otherworldly, or connected to the other world) as a child and said it runs in the family too, so there is probably an inherited trait there.
You’ve described cosmic numerology as being like the love child of numerology and astrology. Can you tell us more about what this means?
Numbers have always felt magical to me, and when I discovered numerology in my early teens I fell in deep love. Astrology and the mythology around planets were something I have also been very into since that time. Finding out that each single number has its own ruling planet, just like each sign does in astrology, lit me up.
‘All of these spiritual tools … have been around for a very long time. They are really about connection. These things offer a way to connect more deeply with yourself, with whatever is out there that is greater than us, and with the mysteries of life’
I love being able to use the language of planet-based mysticism to talk about numbers, and feel that this really resonates with people who already know something about astrology.

Why do you think the practice of numerology hasn’t become as mainstream as astrology has?
I do wonder about that and really feel it is time for numerology to shine. Although we are pretty much beyond that era, I believe the star sign columns in magazines and newspapers put astrology in front of people a lot more frequently, and the popularity has built from there.
Both are systems of understanding the energy of the day, month, or year. Both are systems that utilise a person’s date of birth and assist us with self-enquiry and self-knowledge. Numerology has had less press over the years, I’m hoping to help with changing that.
As well as writing Cosmic Numerology, you also have a beautiful Instagram account where you share the daily cosmic numerology forecasts. When did you start doing this, and how has it shaped how you live your day-to-day life?
I started doing the forecasts in 2016, originally on my personal account then graduating to a standalone account with @thecosmicnumerologist. I was working out the number and planet energies of the day, month, and year for myself for a long time before that and felt others could benefit from this too, so I started to share it with the world for fun. I’ve always loved to write, and the daily forecast is a great excuse to practice something I enjoy, while connecting myself and others with the current mood.

Can you tell us a bit about your creative process: how did you approach writing the book?
For me it was like a ritual most days. I’d organise my writing desk into a tidy and sacred feeling space, light a candle, meditate a little and then just let it pour out. I’d often have playlists going with dreamy and cosmic sounding songs to get me in the zone. The phone was always on silent in the other room. I’m very much a writer of the do not disturb kind. That and bursts of writing coupled with frequent short breaks works for me.
‘In my mind [spiritual tools] are meant to be a fun, inspiring and interesting way to enjoy self-enquiry, learn more about the people who matter to you and feel a greater level of awareness at play in your life. I always say to people that when it comes to these things take on what rings true for you, discard the rest. Let your intuition be your guide.’
Jenn King
Do you have a message for people who are a little sceptical about the wisdom of cosmic numerology?
All of these spiritual tools like numerology, astrology, oracle decks and other mystical things like meditation, ritual work etc have been around for a very long time. They are really about connection. These things offer a way to connect more deeply with yourself, with whatever is out there that is greater than us, and with the mysteries of life. This is their power, and this is why people love them still.
In my mind they are meant to be a fun, inspiring and interesting way to enjoy self-enquiry, learn more about the people who matter to you and feel a greater level of awareness at play in your life. I always say to people that when it comes to these things take on what rings true for you, discard the rest. Let your intuition be your guide.

You also offer personalised cosmic numerology readings! What can people expect from them that they won’t get from your book? How can people prepare for a reading?
The three core aspects that are most important to a person (in my opinion) are covered in the book, but of course we are multi-dimensional people with a lot going on. When it comes to the chart readings, we are really looking at every influence from that person’s day and date of birth, so there are 8 different aspects that I cover.
I always ask the person for their date of birth, and to let me know the three specific areas or questions they would like to delve into in the reading. Firstly, all of the number and planet aspects as they present with the individual are covered. I then work with the persons chart, their enquiry, and my intuition to assist with guidance based on their cosmic numerology.
Is there a song that encapsulates your approach to life and work?
Ah that is a tricky one, I love so many songs. Cloud Busting by Kate Bush, Myth by Beach house, and Rain by Tones on Tail always put me in an inspired mood to write.

What’s next for you?
I’m getting married in May so that is a big treat coming up! Plus, more writing, workshop planning, and another creative Cosmic Numerology project is currently in the works. Stay tuned.

Cosmic Numerologist by Jenn King is available now.
Posted on April 28, 2022