Ice the Bear and the Burning Land


The second book of the Ice the Bear series brings to the young readers’ attention another environmental issue, that of fires destroying the flora and fauna of our planet.


ISBN: 9788857245737 Category:


Ice’s journey to the UN must take a detour when the young bear gets a call from South Africa asking for help. Poachers have captured the mother of little Farfallino the Elephant. At the end of this adventure Ice the Bear sails to Brazil, where trapped in a terrible fire in the heart of the Amazon forest he sees with his own eyes the devastating effects of the flames on the lives of the animals. Once more Ice will do his best to help.

Additional information

Weight 720 g
Dimensions 19.8 x 26.7 cm
Publisher name Skira Editore S.p.A
Publication date 25 March 2022
Number of pages 48
Format Hardback
Contributors Text by Valentina Agnesi, Illustrated by Zelda was a writer
Dimensions 19.8 x 26.7 cm
Weight 720 g


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