Poka and Mia: At the Bottom of the Garden



ISBN: 9781849762458 Categories: ,

Kitty Crowther


This delightful series of picture books expresses the humour, frustrations and profundities of the parent/child relationship through two endearing insects, Poka and Mia. Despite their multiple limbs and cellophane wings, children and adults alike will immediately identify with Poka and Mia and the situations they find themselves in, making these books ideal for children learning to read. Illustrated in the inimitable style of Kitty Crowther, which is at once both dark and sweet, these charming creatures will ingratiate themselves to even the most hardened cynic. Mia is picking flowers at the bottom of the garden. Someone is watching her. Who on earth could it be? The next day, she returns and at the foot of the tree she spots a strange ladder…

Additional information

Weight 240 g
Dimensions 15.6 x 21.4 cm
Publisher name Tate Publishing
Publication date 1 April 2015
Number of pages 52
Format Hardback
Dimensions 15.6 x 21.4 cm
Weight 240 g


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