Walter Niedermayr

Raumaneignungen - Lech 2015/2016


Conquering the Alps

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ISBN: 9783775742665 Categories: ,


The mountains around Lech am Arlberg are the focus ofWalter Niedermayr’s latest photo series, realized over aperiod of two years. Every winter blankets of snow unifythe landscape, making vegetation and topographical detailsdisappear; the only structures left are those that createthe ideal conditions for winter sports. In contrast, summerbrings a completely different landscape to light. Over thecourse of each year Niedermayr took his camera to the sameplaces in order to express the atmosphere and the changesin landscape. The aesthetic of these minimalist, yetvivid images draws the viewer’s attention, but it’s only uponcloser observation that one notices disruptions and shifts,even a certain kind of irony, all of which perhaps challengeone to contemplate the possible different perspectivesof nature, and of how landscape is dealt with.

Additional information

Weight 818 g
Dimensions 23.2 x 28.4 cm
Publisher name Hatje Cantz Verlag
Publication date 10 April 2017
Number of pages
Format Hardback
Contributors Edited by Catherine Grout
Dimensions 23.2 x 28.4 cm
Weight 818 g


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