Dear Ana


A lyrical manifestation, expressed through photography and poetic text, of Leticia Valverdes’ award-winning project documenting the artist’s journey back to her grandmother’s motherland of Portugal.


ISBN: 9780903696524 Category:


A lyrical manifestation of Leticia Valverdes’ award-winning project that took her on a journey back to Portugal, her grandmother’s motherland. This extraordinary project resulted in a magical collaboration with the inhabitants of Ana’s birthplace, the village of Mundão. By inviting the villagers to write a postcard to her now dead grandmother, they became the fictional friends she believed she had whilst dying with Alzheimer’s disease in Brazil. Through photography interspersed with poetic text, cyanotypes and votive offerings, this is a personal yet universal story exploring transgenerational trauma, longing, migration, and what it means to feel divided between two cultures. A hundred years on, this is the perfect time to tell this story, as Europe is engulfed in debates about borders, nationalism and migration.

Additional information

Weight 966 g
Dimensions 21.8 x 24.3 cm
Publisher name Thames and Hudson Ltd
Publication date 20 November 2022
Number of pages 240
Format Hardback
Contributors Contributions by Leticia Valverdes, Text by Ângela Ferreira and Octavia Bright
Dimensions 21.8 x 24.3 cm
Weight 966 g
Brazil-born Leticia Valverdes studied Fine Art at London Metropolitan University. Her personal photographic work concentrates on interactions with people and often starts with an invitation to participate. Focusing on simple ideas, her work hopes to touch on notions of identity, belonging, memory and dreams.