The Commissar Vanishes

The Falsification of Photographs and Art in Stalin's Russia New Edition



ISBN: 9781849762519 Category:

David King


The Commissar Vanishes offers a chilling look at how Joseph Stalin manipulated the science of photography to advance his own political career and to erase the memory of his victims. On Stalin’s orders, purged rivals were airbrushed from group portraits, and crowd scenes were altered to depict even greater legions of the faithful. For example, a 1919 photograph showing a large crowd of Bolsheviks clustered around Lenin, became, with the aid of the retoucher, an intimate portrait of Lenin and Stalin sitting alone, and then, in a later version, of Stalin by himself. In each case, the juxtaposition of the original and the doctored images yields a fascinating – and often terrifying and tragic – insight into one of the darkest chapters of modern history.

Additional information

Weight 1252 g
Dimensions 24.7 x 28.8 cm
Publisher name Tate Publishing
Publication date 3 July 2014
Number of pages 232
Format Paperback / softback
Dimensions 24.7 x 28.8 cm
Weight 1252 g