David Hockney Dog Days: Notecards


16 notecards (with envelopes) featuring four of Hockney’s paintings of his beloved dachshunds, Stanley and Boodgie

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ISBN: 9780500420751 Category:

David Hockney


This set of 16 notecards (four each of four designs) features David Hockney’s drawings of his dogs Stanley and Boodgie. Included in this set are 16 envelopes.

Additional information

Weight 387 g
Dimensions 12.5 x 15.9 cm
Publisher name Thames and Hudson Ltd
Publication date 1 March 2017
Number of pages
Format Cards
Dimensions 12.5 x 15.9 cm
Weight 387 g
David Hockney is considered one of the most influential British artists of the 20th century. He has produced work in almost every medium - painting, drawing, stage design, photography and printmaking - and has stretched the boundaries of all of them. Born in Bradford, England, in 1937, Hockney attended art school in London before moving to Los Angeles in the 1960s. There, he painted his famous swimming pool paintings. In a 2011 poll of more than 1,000 British artists, Hockney was voted the most influential British artist of all time. He continues to create and exhibit art.