Farid Belkahia and the Casablanca School



ISBN: 9782370741295 Category:

Fatima-Zahra Lakrissa, Michel Gauthier, Kenza Sefrioui, Mostafa Nissabouri, Toni Maraini, Mohammed Chabâa


A founder of contemporary Moroccan art. This publication highlights a crucial period in the career of Farid Belkahia: his return to Morocco in 1962 and his appointment as director of the School of Fine Arts of Casablanca, a position he held until his resignation in 1974.

Farid Belkahia advocated the re-appropriation of traditional arts. He surrounded himself with a team that shared his vision including the artists Mohamed Melehi and Mohamed Chabâa, and the art historians Toni Maraini and Bert Flint. These historical figures had evolved in places of modern artistic practice in Europe and North America, and had been exposed to the Bauhaus philosophy.Together, they initiated an innovative pedagogy at the Casablanca School of Fine Arts, which they transformed into an incubator of a modern artistic creation, rooted in local culture, emancipated from academic artistic practices and open to the world. Other renowned artists joined the teaching staff, such as Mohamed Ataallah, André Elbaz, Mohamed Hamidi and Mustapha Hafid, inspiring pupils such as the artists Malika Agueznay, Abdellah El Hariri, Houssein Miloudi, Abdelkrim Ghattas, Abderrahman Rahoule among others.

Additional information

Weight 1398 g
Dimensions 24.7 x 30.7 cm
Publisher name Editions Skira Paris
Publication date 21 September 2020
Number of pages 208
Format Hardback
Dimensions 24.7 x 30.7 cm
Weight 1398 g

Fatima-Zahra Lakrissa - Researcher and curator, Head of Culture at the Mohammed VI Museum of Rabat.

Michel Gauthier - Curator at the Centre Pompidou, Paris.

Kenza Sefrioui - Culture journalist, literary critic and editor.

Mostafa Nissabouri - Founder of the Morocan journals Souffles (1966) and Intégral(1971).

Toni Maraini - Writer, art historian and ethnologist.

Mohammed Chabâa - Artist and former director of Tetouan Institute of Fine Arts.