Bunuel in the Labyrinth of the Turtles



ISBN: 9781910593844 Category:

Fermin Solis


A fascinating portrait of a pivotal period in the life of Spanish filmmaker Luis Buñuel

Buñuel in the Labyrinth of the Turtles depicts a decisive moment in the life of the great Spanish filmmaker Luis Buñuel: the moment when he doubted surrealism and contemplated embracing a more social type of cinema. At this crucial turning point in his career, he wanted to change the world by showing the hidden heart of reality. Buñuel was deeply affected by the harshness of Las Hurdes and the extreme misery of the people who live in this remote region, so with his friend, the movie producer Ramón Acín, he began work on the pseudo-documentary Land Without Bread. But in the mind of the great surrealist, reality inevitably clashed with dreams and childhood memories, threatening both the film and his friendship with Acín. It is at this moment that the Buñuel of the future was born.

Additional information

Weight 391 g
Dimensions 17.2 x 23.8 cm
Publisher name Self Made Hero
Publication date 11 June 2021
Number of pages 152
Format Paperback / softback
Dimensions 17.2 x 23.8 cm
Weight 391 g
Fermín Solís is a renowned Spanish cartoonist, animator, and illustrator, who alternates between work as a comic book artist, textbook illustrator, and children's book creator. His books have been published by leading independent publishers in the United States, Canada, and France, and he has been nominated at the Comic de Barcelona, INJUVE, and the National Comic Award.