Santiago Calatrava: In the Glyptothek (Bilingual edition)

Beyond Hellas



ISBN: 9783777440057 Category:


Santiago Calatrava’s (* 1951) encounter with the sculpture collection at the Glyptothek in Munich thirty years ago prompted him to create an extensive series of sculptures with the title Die Aegineten (The Aeginetans). This volume focuses attention for the first time on the sculptures and paintings of the famous architect and shows how he was influenced by Antiquity.

Die Aegineten – 14 large-format sculptures made of wrought iron on a pedestal of aged oak – appear as modern, almost abstract variations on the ancient warriors of the temple of Aphaea. They are presented in an exceptional dialogue with the permanent sculpture collection of the Glyptothek and are complemented by a selection of 30 drawings, watercolours, studies and sculptures of different themes and series which show Calatrava’s interest in the human body and nature, which influences his architectural style.

Additional information

Weight 1180 g
Dimensions 25 x 30.8 cm
Publisher name Hirmer Verlag GmbH
Publication date 7 December 2022
Number of pages 144
Format Hardback
Contributors Edited by Florian S. Knauß and Cristina Carrillo de Albornoz
Dimensions 25 x 30.8 cm
Weight 1180 g

Cristina Carrillo de Albornoz, a former UN diplomat, is an art curator, critic and author who has been working with important museums all over the world.

Florian S. Knauß is a classical archaeologist. Since 2011 he has been the senior director of collections at the Staatliche Antikensammlungen and Glyptothek in Munich.