Changing World

Cold data for a warming planet


A mind-boggling visualisation of the impacts of global warming


ISBN: 9781800660281 Category:

David Gibson


Everything you wanted to know about climate change but were too afraid to ask!

The terrifying effects of a warming planet are impossible to ignore, but sometimes it’s hard to pick through the facts and to understand exactly what’s happening and how. This book of bright, bold infographics illuminates the realities of climate change in hard numbers, digestible data and vivid visualizations.

How will rising sea levels affect us?
What is the impact of meat on the planet?
What industries create the most emissions? How do renewable energies compare to one another?
What are the most effective things we as individuals can do to help the planet?

Without sugar-coating or fear-mongering, this is a book that conveniently unpacks inconvenient truths in a way that is accessible to readers young and old.

Additional information

Weight 374 g
Dimensions 22 x 41.8 cm
Publisher name Cicada Books Ltd
Publication date 9 January 2023
Number of pages 108
Format Hardback
Dimensions 22 x 41.8 cm
Weight 374 g
David Gibson is the founder of graphic design studio Draught Associates. He has worked on books for Laurence King and the Architecture Association, and is the author of the critically acclaimed Visual Aid and Visual Aid2 (Black Dog Publishing, 2010, 2011).