Francesco Clemente (Bilingual edition)


The Italian-American artist Francesco Clemente (*1952) is one of the main representatives of the postmodern Transavantgarde and Arte Cifra, the Italian version of Neo-Expressionism. Among his extensive oeuvre, the publication focuses on Clemente’s enigmatic self-portraits and presents insights into his latest works series.


ISBN: 9783777435633 Category:


The Italian-American artist Francesco Clemente (b. 1952) is one of the main representatives of the postmodern Transavantgarde and Arte Cifra, the Italian version of Neo-Expressionism. Among his extensive oeuvre, the publication focuses on Clemente’s major works series.

Clemente’s life spent in Europe, India, and New York has lent a remarkably multifaceted quality to both his art and his character. Indian culture and philosophy as well as the human body are recurring themes rendered in his figurative, Neo-Expressionist style. This volume guides through Clemente’s pastels, watercolors, gouaches, and printed graphics, including such major series as The Departure of the Argonaut, the From the Terreiro pastels, the Amalfi watercolors, and The Tarots, as well as his self-portraits, which have a quality all their own.

Additional information

Weight 1156 g
Dimensions 25.1 x 29.3 cm
Publisher name Hirmer Verlag GmbH
Publication date 27 December 2022
Number of pages 160
Format Hardback
Contributors Edited by Rafael Jablonka, Klaus Albrecht Schröder, and Sir Elsy Lahner
Dimensions 25.1 x 29.3 cm
Weight 1156 g

Rafael Jablonka is a German art dealer, gallerist and curator.

Elsy Lahner has been the Curator for Contemporary Art at the Albertina Museum in Vienna since 2011.

Klaus Albrecht Schröder has been the General Director of the Albertina Museum in Vienna since 2017.