The New African Portraiture

The Shariat Collections



ISBN: 9783753303062 Category:


This catalogue brings together leading figures from a generation of thrilling figurative artists of African origin. The more than 20 artists shown in this catalogue are based on the African continent and across the diaspora. They explore complex questions of identity, aesthetics and art history. Through compelling portraiture their work invites interrogation of how the Black figure has often been misrepresented or overlooked in the Western painting tradition.

Additional information

Weight 974 g
Dimensions 26.9 x 28.7 cm
Publisher name Walther & Franz König
Publication date 13 April 2023
Number of pages 176
Format Hardback
Contributors Edited by Florian Steininger, Text by Myrah Brown Green, Dieter Buchhart, Niam Coglan, Armelle Dakouo, Heike Dempster, Ekow Eshun, Claire di Felice, Philippe Godin, Selasie Gomado, Carolyn Mazloomi, Michaëla HadjiMinaglou, Charles Moore, Niru Ratnam, Amir Shariat, and Alana Voldman
Dimensions 26.9 x 28.7 cm
Weight 974 g