
A Novel


Desperate for money and stability, a teenage girl begins secretly forging paintings, plunging her into a dark and dangerous imaginary world


ISBN: 9781419733710 Category:

Marianna Baer


Indigo is the daughter of famous reclusive artist Zoe Serra, who made a splash in the ’90s art world. But since her mom’s breakdown, the two have been barely scraping by. When a gallery owner offers Zoe a revival show for her blockbuster Wolfwood series—which Zoe never finished—Indigo sees it as a chance to finally regain stability. However, Zoe refuses to work on the paintings, saying that she can’t return to Wolfwood, so Indigo decides to take up the brush herself.

Additional information

Weight 454 g
Dimensions 15 x 21.6 cm
Publisher name ABRAMS
Publication date 18 May 2023
Number of pages 384
Format Hardback
Dimensions 15 x 21.6 cm
Weight 454 g
Marianna Baer is the author of The Inconceivable Life of Quinn, which Publishers Weekly called “a delicate, complicated, and engrossing exploration of the collision between real life and the inexplicable” in a starred review. She’s a graduate of Vermont College of Fine Arts with an MFA in Writing for Children and Young Adults. She lives in Brooklyn.