Shakespeare for Everyone

Discover the History, Comedy and Tragedy of the World's Greatest Playwright


Discover how Shakespeare came to write some of the greatest works of literature and how his words changed our world forever.


ISBN: 9781913520465 Category:

Emma Roberts


Travel back 400 years to visit rowdy theatres and royal palaces to understand what it was like to live in Shakespeare’s Elizabethan England and the influence it had on his ground-breaking work. This book charts Shakespeare’s phenomenal talent and peeks behind the curtain at his most famous plays, from tragedies such as Romeo and Juliet and Hamlet to comedies such as A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Taming of the Shrew.

Additional information

Weight 576 g
Dimensions 22.2 x 29.6 cm
Publisher name Magic Cat Publishing
Publication date 17 February 2022
Number of pages 64
Format Hardback
Contributors Illustrated by Sarah Tanat Jones
Dimensions 22.2 x 29.6 cm
Weight 576 g

EMMA ROBERTS is a children's author and editor from London who lives with her two rescue dogs, Frodo and Arya. She studied Classics at Cambridge University, where she fully indulged her life-long passion for all things Shakespeare in the student-theatre scene. When Emma isn't queuing for tickets at The Globe, she is either performing in local theatre or training for her next marathon. Her latest book, The Dragon Ark, was published by Magic Cat in 2020.

SARAH TANAT-JONES is an illustrator who grew up in Brighton, studied at Edinburgh College of Art, moved to Glasgow for a bit, and now lives in London. She likes to pair energy with elegance in her illustrations by using bold colour and a flowing, hand-drawn line. She works across editorial, publishing and advertising and her clients include The Washington Post, The Guardian, The Sunday Times and Time Out.