Gilbert & George: The Paradisical Pictures



ISBN: 9780903696708 Category:


The paperback edition of THE PARADISICAL PICTURES is created to celebrate the opening of the Gilbert & George Centre in East London.

Gilbert & George’s work confounds and rejects all art historical classification or affiliation to other schools or movements in art. As affirmed by THE PARADISICAL PICTURES, there is no formalist, aesthetic or conceptual precedent to the ideology and vision they convey with such intensity.

The paintings are fantastical, allegorical, narrative, representational, psychedelic, absurdist, modern yet archaic, surrealist-grotesque, inflected with both tragedy and comedy, filled with pathos, touchingly eloquent of human frailty, age and exhaustion.

THE PARADISICAL PICTURES suggest a chapter in a story that has been unfolding before them and will continue beyond them. This ‘paradise’ is not a destination but a stage on a longer journey. It is a dream of paradise and the exploration of an archetype that is both secular and sacred.

Additional information

Weight 800 g
Dimensions 24.6 x 30.3 cm
Publisher name Thames and Hudson Ltd
Publication date 27 July 2023
Number of pages 112
Format Paperback / softback
Contributors Text by Michael Bracewell
Dimensions 24.6 x 30.3 cm
Weight 800 g
Michael Bracewell is the author of six novels and two works of non-fiction including the much acclaimed England is Mine. His writing has appeared in The Penguin Book of Twentieth Century Fashion Writing and The Faber Book of Pop, and he has written catalogue texts for many contemporary artists, including Gilbert & George, Richard Wentworth and Jim Lambie. He was co-curator of 'The Secret Public: The Last Days of the British Underground, 1977-1988', at the Kunstverein Munchen in 2006, and was a Turner Prize judge in 2007.