Sex Magic

Ithell Colquhoun's Diagrams of Love



ISBN: 9781849768801 Category:


A unique body of work and a radical contribution to our understanding of magic, art, sexual enlightenment and female desire, this exquisitely illustrated book provides an introduction to Ithell Colquhoun’s enigmatic series of paintings, drawings and poems: Diagrams of Love.

Exploring Colquhoun’s blend of alchemical, Kabbalistic and Tantric imagery and placed within the context of theories of sex magic extant in the occult subcultures of the early twentieth century, this beautiful little book of erotic art and poetry is one to treasure.

Additional information

Weight 424 g
Dimensions 17.5 x 21.7 cm
Publisher name Tate Publishing
Publication date 14 May 2024
Number of pages 96
Format Hardback
Dimensions 17.5 x 21.7 cm
Weight 424 g

Dr. Amy Hale is an Atlanta-based writer, curator, and critic, ethnographer and folklorist, speaking and writing about esoteric history, magic, art, culture, women and Cornwall. She writes and speaks on topics as diverse as psychogeography, Cornish ethnonationalism, Pagan religious tourism, color theory, and extremist politics in modern Paganism.

Hale has written widely on the surrealist and occultist Ithell Colquhoun, and in 2009 she received a grant from the Paul Mellon Foundation for her research. As a gallery writer and essayist, she has contributed essays for Tate, Burlington Contemporary, The Australian Centre for Contemporary Art, Correspondences Journal, Camden Arts Centre, Art UK, Arusha Galleries, Heavenly Records and Spike Island, Bristol.