Taking a Stand: Käthe Kollwitz

With Interventions by Mona Hatoum


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ISBN: 9783777442327 Category:


Raw, unprettified and decried in conservative circles as “gutter art”: Käthe Kollwitz employed her art uncompromisingly as a political voice for the social and human misery of her time. Her focus always lay on the dignity of humankind. The volume provides a wide-ranging insight into the commitment and creative work of the artist, whose achievements are more topical than ever.

The book covers the entire spectrum of Kollwitz’ creative work with the world-famous cycles of graphic works A Weavers’ Revolt and Peasants’ War, rare proofs and moving drawings and sculptures, thereby showing all facets of her masterful skills. The political dimension of Kollwitz’ art becomes tangible in a particularly impressive manner through her posters. The unbroken validity of her work is demonstrated in a juxtaposition with the interventions by the artist Mona Hatoum (b. 1952), which revolve around topics such as vulnerability, persecution and the experience of conflict.

Additional information

Weight 1490 g
Dimensions 25 x 28.5 cm
Publisher name Hirmer Verlag GmbH
Publication date 14 May 2024
Number of pages 240
Format Hardback
Contributors Edited by Kunsthalle Bielefeld and Zürcher Kunstgesellschaft / Kunsthaus Zürich
Dimensions 25 x 28.5 cm
Weight 1490 g
Kunsthalle Bielefeld is a museum of modern and contemporary art in Bielefeld, Germany. The Kunsthaus Zürich is home to one of the most important art collections in Switzerland and Europe, assembled by the local art association Zürcher Kunstgesellschaft.