Petite Mouse Takes a Nap



ISBN: 9781641707923 Category:

Karin Argoud

Additional information

Weight 206 g
Dimensions 14.9 x 15 cm
Publisher name ABRAMS
Publication date 25 April 2023
Number of pages 12
Format Board book
Dimensions 14.9 x 15 cm
Weight 206 g
Karin is an actress best known for her role as Sonya Harper in the series Mama’s Family. She is also a freelance news journalist, an author, and the happily married mother of two daughters who never really loved nap time. It was always quite the undertaking to get them to fall asleep. But she knew how important it was for them, and would sometimes go through stacks of books and songs to get them to fais dodo, which means go to sleep in French. How she would have treasured a book like Petite Mouse Takes a Nap! She is a first-generation American and is proud of her family's French American citizenship. Her loving, wonderful parents were of French, German, and Lebanese descent, and she was raised hearing fairy tales, games, and songs from those countries. She, in turn, raised her daughters speaking French and immersed them in fairy tales, plays, and songs. She and her husband sent their daughters to Waldorf schools and raised them without television, their imaginations fed with storybooks, imaginative play, and puppetry. Petite Mouse Takes a Nap is her first children's book, but she has more in mind.