Dog Nerd

Battle of the breeds


A dog show in a box, this card game will determine which of these 50 breeds is the champion.


ISBN: 9781922754356 Category:


The Scottish Terrier or the Bichon Frise? The Great Dane or the Dalmatian? Dogs may be man’s best friend, but which breed is really the most popular? The most intelligent? The tallest? Play Dog Nerd to find out which pooch is the goodest.

To play, deal all the cards equally, and no peeking! In turns, flip the card on top of your deck and choose from one of six categories: Height, Weight, Temperament, Popularity, Intelligence or Maintenance. Each have numerical values. Read one out, and if your pooch’s score beats the rest, take all the played cards from that round.

Play until one winner claims the entire kennel!

Additional information

Weight 304 g
Dimensions 10.6 x 14.1 cm
Publisher name Smith Street Books
Publication date 1 February 2023
Number of pages
Format Cards
Contributors Illustrated by Marta Zafra and Smith Street Books
Dimensions 10.6 x 14.1 cm
Weight 304 g
Smith Street Books is always debating which breed is really the goodest.