Tinseltown Tarot

A look into your future through the golden age of Hollywood


Visit the glamorous past to peek into the future.


ISBN: 9781922417794 Category:


Forget the crystal ball – try the silver screen!

This shimmering deck will beckon you back to a time of dazzling stars, glimmering boudoirs and overflowing champagne. And hey: if your cards ain’t looking so swell – just turn on one of your favorite flicks and audition for a better fate tomorrow.

Additional information

Weight 282 g
Dimensions 8.2 x 13 cm
Publisher name Smith Street Books
Publication date 26 April 2022
Number of pages
Format Cards
Dimensions 8.2 x 13 cm
Weight 282 g
50s Vintage Dame is an illustrator from Sydney, Australia who loves to create vintage-style artwork.