Walking on Art

Explorations in Carpet Design


A jargon-free introduction to the techniques of contemporary carpet design and creation


ISBN: 9780500518052 Category:

Deirdre Dyson


Walking on Art explores contemporary carpet design from a practitioner’s viewpoint. A foreword by Professor Sir Christopher Frayling contextualizes Deirdre Dyson’s award-winning work within discussions about art and design, and then Dyson herself reflects on her long experience of designing exquisite luxury carpets.

The chapter ‘Techniques’ introduces the traditional methods that create these carpets, and how these conventions can be manipulated to create stunning effects. ‘Process’ then explores the steps – from inspiration to making, that lie behind any design. These chapters are followed by Dyson’s collections. Illustrated in full, they demonstrate her love of colour and her range of inspirations, from butterflies to sea shells.

Additional information

Weight 1696 g
Dimensions 25.4 x 33.8 cm
Publisher name Thames and Hudson Ltd
Publication date 1 October 2015
Number of pages 192
Format Hardback
Dimensions 25.4 x 33.8 cm
Weight 1696 g
Lady Dyson met her husband James when both were students at the Byam Shaw School of Art, and has since exhibited her oil paintings in London and New York. She began designing carpets fourteen years ago, initially for her own home, which she subsequently developed into a successful business. She has a store on the King's Road in London, and in 2013 was the winner of 'Best Studio Artist Design' at the DOMOTEX Carpet Design Awards.