
The Secret Art


The perfect illustrated introduction to alchemy and alchemical art

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ISBN: 9780500810552 Category:

Stanislas Klossowski de Rola


The goals of alchemy have fascinated humanity for centuries. Much more than the art of turning base metals into gold, alchemy is a system of cosmic symbolism, a grand allegory for spiritual fulfilment and a mystic guide to achieving oneness with the world. Here is an introduction to the complex imagery and cyclic processes of both the alchemist’s art and alchemical artwork, in which gold is an emblem of its crowning glory, the elixir of life a stepping-stone to greater wonders.

Additional information

Weight 322 g
Dimensions 15.2 x 21.1 cm
Publisher name Thames and Hudson Ltd
Publication date 1 February 2013
Number of pages 128
Format Paperback / softback
Dimensions 15.2 x 21.1 cm
Weight 322 g
Stanislas Klossowski de Rola is a lifelong student of alchemy and author of The Golden Game, also published by Thames & Hudson.