Paul Smith

A to Z


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ISBN: 9781419703522 Category:

Paul Smith


Paul Smith has created one of the world’s most successful fashion brands. In this richly illustrated book–which includes many photos taken by Paul Smith himself–excerpts from interviews with the designer recount his history and explain how he approaches design.
This talented creator finds inspiration everywhere: personal photographs, musicians, scrawled messages on Post-it notes, electronic gadgets, and more. From A for Architecture to Z for Zebra, this alphabetical manual not only highlights the eclectic sources of inspiration behind his unforgettable designs, but also the unique way in which Paul Smith sees the world, suggesting how he has continually been able to anticipate and reimagine trends in popular culture since opening his first small boutique in 1970.

Additional information

Weight 918 g
Dimensions 19.6 x 24.2 cm
Publisher name ABRAMS
Publication date 1 June 2012
Number of pages 192
Format Hardback
Contributors Edited by Olivier Wicker
Dimensions 19.6 x 24.2 cm
Weight 918 g
Paul Smith is the preeminent British designer. Offering 12 different collections, ranging from clothing to shoes, furniture, and fragrances, Paul Smith is a global brand, with merchandise sold in 35 countries. Olivier Wicker is the editor in chief of Libération Next, a French monthly magazine dedicated to fashion, art, design, and travel.