Grid Systems in Graphic Design

A Visual Communication Manual for Graphic Designers, Typographers and Three Dimensional Designers


One of the most important books in the field since over 40 years provides an unparalleled comprehensive overview with exact directions and instructions, covering all grid systems that are needed.

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ISBN: 9783721201451 Category:

Josef Mülller-Brockmann


Josef Müller-Brockmann studied architecture, design and history of art in Zurich and worked as a graphic designer and teacher. His work is recognized for its simple designs and his clean use of fonts, shapes and colors, which still inspires many graphic designers throughout the world today. Since the 1950s grid systems help the designer to organize the graphic elements and have become a world wide standard. This volume provides guidelines and rules for the function and use for grid systems from 8 to 32 grid fields which can be used for the most varied of projects, the three-dimensional grid being treated as well. Exact directions for using all of the grid systems possible presented are given to the user, showing examples of working correctly on a conceptual level. Or simply put: a guidebook from the profession for the profession.

Additional information

Weight 1082 g
Dimensions 21.4 x 29.9 cm
Publisher name bnb media gmbh, Zurich
Publication date 1 January 1999
Number of pages 176
Format Hardback
Dimensions 21.4 x 29.9 cm
Weight 1082 g