Bad Apple


A laugh-out-loud picture book starring a truly terrible piece of fruit


ISBN: 9780500652435 Category:

Huw Lewis Jones, Ben Sanders


In this hilarious story about a really bad apple by award-winning author and polar explorer Huw Lewis Jones, a series of simple rhymes is transformed into a sequence of events that will have readers splitting their sides with laughter. As one silly scenario unfolds after the other, a common piece of fruit shows readers what he’s really made of by making life miserable for Pear, Pea, Cat, Spud and Spoon, among others. In a very dark twist at the end, he receives his comeuppance…

Additional information

Weight 388 g
Dimensions 25 x 25.1 cm
Publisher name Thames and Hudson Ltd
Publication date 19 February 2021
Number of pages 32
Format Hardback
Dimensions 25 x 25.1 cm
Weight 388 g
Huw Lewis Jones is a polar-exploring author and historian who lives in Cornwall, U.K. His books include Explorers' Sketchbooks, The Writer's Map and Archipelago, all published by Thames & Hudson. Ben Sanders is an award-winning illustrator and graphic designer based in Ballarat, Australia. He is the author and illustrator of I Could Wear That Hat and I've an Uncle Ivan (both Thames & Hudson Australia).