
Journalist Béatrice Brasseur and Georgie Hindle’s Château Clarke isa delicious invitation into one of the largest Médoc vineyards owned by the Rothschild family.

This book is not yet published, but will be available from September 2024.

ISBN: 9781419774225 Category:

Béatrice Brasseur, Georgie Hindle, Maya Ines Touan


Château Clarke, a vast estate of Bordeaux wine, has maintained a winemaking tradition for over two centuries. Named after the Irish family that owned the property in the 18th century, the vineyard was later acquired by Baron Edmond de Rothschild in 1973. With a vision and love for wine, Rothschild transformed Château Clarke into the icon it is today-one of the largest Médoc vineyards on a 145-hectare estate where wines and gardens bloom in harmony.
Unfolding across four sections-Roots, Leaves, Flowers, and Fruits-Château Clarke tells the story of this estate, from Rothschild’s restoration and redesign of the entire vineyard to the aromatic brilliance of the wine. While the Edmond de Rothschild family continues to carry on this legacy, their archival materials grace the pages in addition to an analysis of vintage wines and still-life photography by Erwan Balança that capture the gardens’ beauty and art, as well as illustrations by Maya Inès Touam. Château Clarke is a gorgeous invitation to explore the joy and taste of living.

Additional information

Weight 2238 g
Dimensions 30.8 x 36.7 cm
Publisher name ABRAMS
Publication date 12 September 2024
Number of pages 200
Format Hardback
Contributors Photographs by Erwan Balança
Dimensions 30.8 x 36.7 cm
Weight 2238 g

Béatrice Brasseur is an independent journalist who has a passion for wine, its stakeholders, its economy, and its lifestyle. She collaborates with numerous titles of the national press, namely Les Echos and its magazine supplements, Série Limitée and WeekEnd. She also specializes in lifestyle journalism, patrimonial heritage, and philanthropy.

Georgie Hindle has worked as a copywriter with Decanter since 2011. She has become a renowned specialist of everything the wine world has to offer. Today, as editor-in-chief of Decanter Premium, she lives in Bordeaux, in the southwest of France, where she writes about the wines of the region.