Chineasy™ Memory Game


A fun way to learn 30 of the most commonly used Chinese characters using the bestselling visual method

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ISBN: 9780500420126 Category:



Learning Chinese is notoriously difficult and has long put off the most linguistically savvy Westerners… until now. Breaking down the Great Wall of language, ShaoLan has used her entrepreneurial and software background to unpick Chinese characters and create a simple system for quickly understanding the basic building blocks of the written language. Working with renowned illustrator Noma Bar, she has developed a unique set of illustrations that are engaging and delightful and offer a glimpse into the wonder of the Chinese language and culture.

This memory game is a fun way to learn characters and enhance visual memory. Match each Chineasy™ illustration with its Chinese character, and before you know it you’ll have learnt to read 30 Chinese words!

Additional information

Weight 375 g
Dimensions 7 x 14.6 cm
Publisher name Thames and Hudson Ltd
Publication date 1 April 2015
Number of pages
Format Game
Dimensions 7 x 14.6 cm
Weight 375 g
ShaoLan is a writer, entrepreneur, angel investor and traveller. She is also a member of the boards of the Saïd Business School of Oxford University, Asia House and the New School Network (an organization backed by the British Government promoting educational reform).