Cinema Architecture


Exploring the broad range of movie theater design, including classical individual cinemas as well as large multiplex centers that have appeared in recent years.

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ISBN: 9783037680278 Category:

Chris van Uffelen


Movie theatre architecture is an architecture of night. Evening screenings take place in buildings that seek out the attention of passers-by using their form and light. The interiors of this less-than-a-century-old building type are also very manifold. The range of design is especially evident in the execution of foyers, which span everything from the strict, modern and refined to the opulent, voluminous and luxurious. Next to classical, individual cinemas, large multiplex centres have appeared in recent years, becoming an integral component of large amusement parks.

Additional information

Weight 1755 g
Dimensions 23.5 x 30.2 cm
Publisher name Braun Publishing AG
Publication date 1 October 2009
Number of pages 256
Format Hardback
Dimensions 23.5 x 30.2 cm
Weight 1755 g