Clara and the Birds

A Picture Book


A shy young girl who usually strays from the flock discovers her own inner strength in author-illustrator Emma Simpson’s Clara and the Birds.


ISBN: 9781990252341 Category:

Emma Simpson


For as long as she can remember, Clara has always been fascinated with birds-where they go, how they take flight, and the way they immediately fly away from her when she comes into contact with them. Like the birds she so admires, Clara is considered shy by those around her. She too feels the urge to flee the company of others, preferring the comforting bubble of solitude instead.
Convinced that her desire to be alone is a weakness, she fails to find her voice or recognize her own inner strength. That is, until she has a chance encounter with a bird who doesn’t immediately fly away . . .

Additional information

Weight 460 g
Dimensions 23.9 x 26.3 cm
Publisher name ABRAMS
Publication date 1 August 2024
Number of pages 52
Format Hardback
Dimensions 23.9 x 26.3 cm
Weight 460 g
Emma Simpson is a British author and illustrator. Considered a talented up-and-comer in the world of picture books, Simpson was named the 2021 UK winner of the international picture book illustration competition Picture This! She lives and basks in the splendor of Munich and the Bavarian Alps, drawing inspiration from the animals, nature, and people that surround her in this gorgeous setting.