Deep-sea Creeps

A field guide to terrible ex-boyfriends (as sea creatures)


Your exes as the creeps of the deep sea.


ISBN: 9781923049024 Category:

Danielle Kraese


Deep-sea Creeps is a taxonomy of those terrible exes that should have been left lurking in the murky depths of your Tinder messages-from The Self-Proclaimed “Nice Guy” to The Egomaniac, and even The Ex Who Wanted To Break Up (But Wanted You To Do It). This hilarious oceanographic expedition is for anyone who’s cut a loser from their line, and will (hopefully) help identify the next
creep before you reel him in.

Additional information

Weight 304 g
Dimensions 13.7 x 20.2 cm
Publisher name Smith Street Books
Publication date 30 January 2024
Number of pages 96
Format Hardback
Dimensions 13.7 x 20.2 cm
Weight 304 g

Danielle Kraese is a humour writer, author, editor and freelance dog petter. Her cowritten feminist joke book, Jokes To Offend Men, (inspired by the viral McSweeney's piece 'Jokes I've Told That My Male Colleagues Didn't Like') was named the #2 comedy book of 2022 by
Vulture, and New York Magazine classified it as 'highbrow brilliant' in its Approval Matrix. Danielle's short humour has been published by the New Yorker, McSweeney's Internet Tendency, Reductress, The Belladonna, Points in Case, Slackjaw and Weekly Humorist.