Divine Light

The Art of Mosaic in Rome, 300 - 1300 AD


Dazzling mosaic pictures made of glittering shards of light-reflecting colored glass embellish Rome’s oldest churches and tell an enduring story of beauty, faith, and artistry across a thousand years. This book brings these little-known masterpieces to life while exploring their meaning, historical context, and spiritual power.

This book is not yet published, but will be available from October 2024.

ISBN: 9783777442594 Category:

Wendy A. Stein


Dazzling mosaic pictures made of glittering shards of light-reflecting colored glass embellish Rome’s oldest churches and tell an enduring story of beauty, faith, and artistry across a thousand years. This book brings these little-known masterpieces to life while exploring their meaning, historical context, and spiritual power.

Through brilliant full-color photographs with lavish details, Wendy A. Stein presents twelve ensembles of mosaic preserved in nine churches. The subjects reveal their glory as their imagery is decoded, telling the story of an ideal Rome whose power was derived from both its imperial past and its Christian legacy. Together, the mosaics embody the interpretation of light as an expression of the divine. With a detailed map to easily locate the churches, this volume is a perfect travel companion.

Additional information

Weight 300 g
Dimensions 24 x 28 cm
Publisher name Hirmer Verlag GmbH
Publication date 29 October 2024
Number of pages 160
Format Hardback
Dimensions 24 x 28 cm
Weight 300 g
Wendy A. Stein is an art historian affiliated with the Department of Medieval Art and The Cloisters at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. She is the author of How to Read Medieval Art.