Global Art


An essential guide to the multifarious and increasingly connected world of global art from 1900 to today.


ISBN: 9780500295243 Category:

Jessica Lack


Jessica Lack introduces fifty pioneering modern and contemporary art movements born out of political engagement, decolonization, marginalization or conflict. These movements have aimed to revitalize society by challenging the status quo. While not as well known as Pop Art, Dada and Futurism, these associations of artists – such as the Saqqakhaneh artists of Iran, the Stridentists of Mexico, Jikken Kobo of Japan or America’s AfriCobra – have empowered and given voice to their members.

Global Art brings unfamiliar material to life by exploring the unique historical context for each art movement, key cultural events and interconnections, and the key protagonists in the movement’s evolution.

Additional information

Weight 406 g
Dimensions 21.6 x 14 cm
Publisher name Thames and Hudson Ltd
Publication date 26 March 2020
Number of pages 176
Format Paperback / softback
Dimensions 21.6 x 14 cm
Weight 406 g
Jessica Lack is a writer with a focus on modern and contemporary art. She was a correspondent for the Guardian and is the author of several books, including Why Are We 'Artists'?: 100 World Art Manifestos.