If These Apples Should Fall

Cézanne and the Present


A penetrating analysis of the work of one of the most influential painters in the history of modern art by one of the world’s most respected art historians


ISBN: 9780500025284 Category:

T. J. Clark


A Financial Times Book of the Year 2022

A penetrating analysis of the work of one of the most influential painters in the history of modern art by one of the world’s most respected art historians.

For more than a century the art of Paul Cézanne was held to hold the key to modernity. His painting was a touchstone for Samuel Beckett as much as Henri Matisse. Rilke revered him deeply, as did Picasso. If we lost touch with his sense of life, they thought, we lost an essential element in our self-understanding.

If These Apples Should Fall: Cézanne and the Present looks back on Cézanne from a moment – our own – when such judgments may seem to need justifying. What was it, the book asks, that held Cézanne’s viewers spellbound?

At the heart of Cézanne lies a sense of disquiet: a homelessness haunting the vividness, an anxiety underlying the appeal of colour. T. J. Clark addresses this strangeness head-on, examining the art of Pissarro, Matisse and others in relation to it. Above all, he speaks to the uncanniness and beauty of Cézanne’s achievement.

Additional information

Weight 945 g
Dimensions 19.5 x 25.3 cm
Publisher name Thames and Hudson Ltd
Publication date 4 August 2022
Number of pages 240
Format Hardback
Dimensions 19.5 x 25.3 cm
Weight 945 g
T. J. Clark is Professor Emeritus of the History of Art at the University of California, Berkeley. He is the author of the seminal The Painting of Modern Life: Paris in the Art of Manet and His Followers (1984) and Farewell to an Idea: Episodes from a History of Modernism (1999). He writes art criticism regularly for the London Review of Books. He is the author of Heaven on Earth: Painting and the Life to Come (2018), also published by Thames & Hudson.