James Sherwood’s Discriminating Guide to London

An unabashed companion to the very finest experiences in the world's most cosmopolitan city



ISBN: 9780500518281 Category:

James Sherwood


James Sherwood’s Discriminating Guide to London is a very 21st-century comment on city style. Sherwood, author of a number of definitive publications on English sartorial style, is the quintessential man-about-town. This is his witty and opinionated guide to London, informed by superlative taste, direct experience and many years of partaking in the very best that the world’s most exciting metropolis has to offer.

Whether you want to breakfast like a king, drink in the company of beautiful people, or shop for antique jewelry, this book will take you straight there. It is divided into six main sections covering restaurants, hotels, drinking, shopping and culture, as well as a final section exploring six of the city’s most exceptional streets.

The book is inspired by a 1970s publication of the same name by another James Sherwood – no relation – who is today the owner of the Orient-Simplon Express and luxury hotels and restaurants around the world.

Additional information

Weight 498 g
Dimensions 11 x 19.1 cm
Publisher name Thames and Hudson Ltd
Publication date 1 October 2015
Number of pages 432
Format Hardback
Dimensions 11 x 19.1 cm
Weight 498 g
James Sherwood is a London-based style journalist who writes regularly for the Financial Times and the International Herald Tribune, and has been described as 'the guardian of Savile Row' by The Rake magazine. He is also the author of London Cut