Manly Palmer Hall. Secret Teachings of all Ages

Famous First Edition


Embracing an expansive range of occult teachings, this vast encyclopedia unveils the arcane myths and mysteries of thousands of years of human civilization. First published in 1928, Manly Palmer Hall’s magnum opus has been meticulously reproduced in its original size in collaboration with his archives at the Philosophical Research Society.

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ISBN: 9783836594462 Category:

Manly Palmer Hall


Embracing an expansive range of occult teachings, this vast encyclopedia unveils the arcane myths and mysteries of thousands of years of human civilization. First published in 1928, Manly Palmer Hall’s magnum opus has been meticulously reproduced in its original size in collaboration with his archives at the Philosophical Research Society.

Additional information

Weight 12850 g
Dimensions 51.5 x 61.7 cm
Publisher name TASCHEN
Publication date 29 April 2023
Number of pages 356
Format Hardback
Contributors Edited by Jessica Hundley
Dimensions 51.5 x 61.7 cm
Weight 12850 g
Manly Palmer Hall (1901-1990) was a Canadian-born scholar and philosopher. He authored dozens of books and hundreds of essays and gave thousands of lectures in Los Angeles and throughout the world. He is perhaps most famous for his epic 1928 encyclopedia, The Secret Teachings of All Ages. Hall founded the Philosophical Research Society in 1934 and was its first president, remaining so until his death in 1990. The Philosophical Research Society continues to carry on his mission to provide resources for those who seek practical and profound wisdom for the 21st century.