Mini Stories


‘Mini Stories’ by Scout Editions is inspired by the back stories of what surrounds us – from the wonderful natural world to innovative man-made objects we all know and love.


ISBN: 9781915392015 Category:

Scout Editions


Mini Stories by Scout Editions invites readers to delve into the hidden histories and enchanting tales behind the everyday objects and wonders that surround us.

Mini Stories came about from Scout Editions’ love of history and story-telling. Over the past few years they have created a series of cute cards that have simplistic illustrations. They are Riso printed on the front with a story on the back about the object. It’s usually an interesting fact about how that object was invented or an insight you may be unaware of.

Mini Stories is a collection of these illustrations and accompanying texts. It’s a small art book that will appeal to fans of this ‘kawaii’ style of illustration. The content would appeal both to adults and children. Or even more accurately, creative people with kids, who are interested in design, function, history and aesthetics.

Mini Stories boasts eight distinct bellyband designs, each adorned with a unique illustration from the book. These thoughtfully designed bellybands fold out to reveal a black and white poster showcasing a collection of icons, specially crafted by Scout Editions.

Please note, orders will be fulfilled at random and a variety of jackets is not guaranteed.

Additional information

Weight 456 g
Dimensions 12.9 x 15.9 cm
Publisher name Thames and Hudson Ltd
Publication date 26 September 2023
Number of pages 304
Format Hardback
Dimensions 12.9 x 15.9 cm
Weight 456 g
Scout Editions are a design and illustration studio, who specialise in printing through the Riso process: