Morris and the Magic of Stories



ISBN: 9780500653258 Category:

Didier Lévy


A beautifully illustrated ode to reading, and in particular to reading aloud.

Morris is a cat with a clever plan. Instead of chasing mice, he’s going to make them come to him. And how will he do that? By reading them STORIES. But little does Morris realise that his brilliant scheme won’t work out quite the way he expects…

Additional information

Weight 411 g
Dimensions 23.7 x 29.7 cm
Publisher name Thames and Hudson Ltd
Publication date 27 July 2023
Number of pages 40
Format Hardback
Contributors Illustrated by Lorenzo Sangió
Dimensions 23.7 x 29.7 cm
Weight 411 g
Didier Lévy has written over forty books for children, including How to Light Your Dragon and Life with My Dragon, both published by Thames & Hudson. Lorenzo Sangio is a graduate of the Brescia Academy of Fine Arts. He has illustrated numerous books, and has won several prizes for his work, including 'Illustrator of the Year', an award promoted by Città del Sole.