Paula Modersohn-Becker



ISBN: 9783777434896 Category:

Paula Modersohn-Becker


When Paula Modersohn-Becker’s artistfriends examined her extensive estate afew weeks after her death, they were overwhelmed.

They only gradually realised thatin the painter, who had died so young, theyhad had an outstanding artist in their midst.Modersohn-Becker was largely unrecognisedduring her lifetime but is regarded today asone of the pioneers of Expressionism.The sculptor Bernhard Hoetger was one of the few who recognised hertalent from an early stage. Hoetger’s memories of Paula Modersohn werepublished in 1920 as an authentic contemporary document in the seriesJunge Kunst. They are reprinted as a facsimile in this revised and extendededition. The volume is a bibliophilic highlight with an essay explaining theartist’s life and work from a present-day perspective, together with herbiography and some 40 illustrations of her most important works.

Additional information

Weight 270 g
Dimensions 14.7 x 21.5 cm
Publisher name Hirmer Verlag GmbH
Publication date 19 August 2020
Number of pages 72
Format Hardback
Dimensions 14.7 x 21.5 cm
Weight 270 g


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