Photography at MoMA: 1840-1920



ISBN: 9781633450288 Category:

Lucy Gallun, Roxana Marcoci, Sarah Hermanson Meister


The final volume in a series of books that presents a new and comprehensive history of photography through works in MoMA’s collection.

Photography at MoMA: 1860-1920 is the final volume in a set of three books that together present a new and comprehensive history of photography through works in MoMA’s collection. Richly illustrated with over 400 reproductions, the book charts the medium from its invention through its participation in international art movements such as Pictorialism and modernism. It offers a fresh lens through which to appreciate works of exceptional significance, surprise, and influence, encouraging creative new readings. Beginning with an in-depth introduction, the book includes eight chapters of full-colour plates, each introduced by a short essay. Masterworks by photographers such as Julia Margaret Cameron, Roger Fenton, Nadar, Frances Benjamin Johnston, Henry Fox Talbot, August Sander, Edward Steichen and Carleton Watkins appear alongside lesser-known gems and vernacular forms of photography.

Additional information

Weight 2654 g
Dimensions 24.7 x 31.3 cm
Publisher name The Museum of Modern Art
Publication date 1 December 2017
Number of pages 376
Format Hardback
Contributors Edited by Quentin Bajac
Dimensions 24.7 x 31.3 cm
Weight 2654 g

Quentin Bajac is The Joel and Anne Ehrenkranz Chief Curator of Photography at the Museum of Modern Art.

Lucy Gallun, Roxana Marcoci and Sarah Hermanson Meister all work in the Department of Photography at The Museum of Modern Art.

Geoffrey Batchen is a Professor of Art History and Classics and Religious Studies, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.

Michel Frizot is the Emeritus Research Director at the Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris.

Shelley Rice is a Professor of Art History at New York University.

Bonnie Yochelson is an independent curator and art historian based in New York.