Postage Stamp Designs – from Kafka to Loriot


For the first time, this publication discusses the significance and functions of postage stamps as prominently visible elements of communication design.

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ISBN: 9783721209594 Category:

Hans Günter Schmitz


The world’s first official postage stamp was issued in May 1840: the legendary “One Penny Black” with the profile of the Queen of England. The new payment system in the field of logistics by Sir Rowland Hill quickly gained hold all around the world. For the first time this publication discusses the significance and functions of postage stamps as prominently visible elements of communication design. The expressiveness inherent in the small-sized images and the very peculiar and heterogeneous mage vocabulary of this medium of mass culture is analyzed by means of more than 40 designs by Hans Günter Schmitz. The book also presents concepts that were not implemented, in addition to sketches, studies, and variations – from Adenauer to the film festival Berlinale, from a mathematicians’ congress to the famous Wuppertal suspension railway.

Additional information

Weight 460 g
Dimensions 15.6 x 22.4 cm
Publisher name bnb media gmbh, Zurich
Publication date 1 February 2017
Number of pages 160
Format Hardback
Dimensions 15.6 x 22.4 cm
Weight 460 g