Queen of Arts

Women Artists Playing Cards


This book is not yet published, but will be available from October 2024.

ISBN: 9780500421079 Category:

Lydia Miller


Reshuffle art history with Queen of Arts, a beautifully illustrated deck of playing cards and book spotlighting the lives, work and legacies of fifty-four remarkable women.

Did you know that the four suits of a modern-day deck of playing cards once represented the four classes of society in medieval France? Hearts represented the clergy, Spades the nobility, Diamonds the merchants and Clubs the peasants. Author Lydia Miller has reimagined these suits as Seers, Warriors, Influencers and Dissenters, curating the fifty-four women artists featured based on these categories. Laura Callaghan’s stunning, detail-packed illustrations will make you want to flip open the accompanying guide to learn about each artist.

Additional information

Weight 328 g
Dimensions 10.9 x 14.4 cm
Publisher name Thames and Hudson Ltd
Publication date 24 October 2024
Number of pages
Format Cards
Contributors Illustrated by Laura Callaghan
Dimensions 10.9 x 14.4 cm
Weight 328 g
Lydia Miller, Assistant Curator at Pallant House Gallery, holds a PhD in History of Art from the University of York. Previously, she was Chanel Assistant Curator for the Reframing Narratives: Women in Portraiture project at the National Portrait Gallery, London. She is also the author of Inspirational Women: Rediscovering Stories in Art, Science and Social Reform. Laura Callaghan is an Irish illustrator based in Belfast, renowned for her visually rich female-centric illustrations, hand painted in watercolour, gouache and isograph pen.