Slow Down

Bring Calm to a Busy World with 50 Nature Stories


Bring calm into a busy world with 50 nature stories

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ISBN: 9781916180512 Category:

Rachel Williams


All around us, nature is turning, growing…and working. Every day, hour by hour, magical transformations happen right in front of you. But it’s not always easy to see them… Discover 50 nature stories, paused just long enough for you to watch them unfold. Then go outside and explore… and see what you find when you take the time to slow down.

Additional information

Weight 896 g
Dimensions 24.2 x 29.6 cm
Publisher name Magic Cat Publishing
Publication date 24 March 2020
Number of pages 128
Format Hardback
Contributors Illustrated by Freya Hartas
Dimensions 24.2 x 29.6 cm
Weight 896 g
RACHEL WILLIAMS studied literature before becoming an editor and publisher of children's books. She is also the creator of best-selling natural history and adventure books, including The Atlas of Adventure series and Illuminature. She lives with her husband and daughter in London.