Slow Down World


A timely reminder for children and adults alike to slow down, stop and appreciate the world around us.


ISBN: 9780500500941 Categories: ,

Tai Snaith


Sometimes life can seem so busy. Quick! Hurry! Faster! With the world whizzing past, how often do we stop, look and appreciate what’s around us? From a fast-paced metropolis to the greener, magical places of a young girl’s imagination, Slow Down, World is a whimsical journey towards mindfulness.

Charmingly illustrated and written from the heart, Tai Snaith captures the beauty of the slower things in life.

Additional information

Weight 367 g
Dimensions 23.3 x 25.6 cm
Publisher name Thames & Hudson Australia Pty Ltd
Publication date 1 April 2017
Number of pages 36
Format Hardback
Dimensions 23.3 x 25.6 cm
Weight 367 g
Tai Snaith is the author of Sticks and Stones, Animal Homes. She is an artist, writer, curator and mother. She studied sculpture at the Victorian College of the Arts (Melbourne, Australia) and has since received numerous awards and undertaken residencies both locally and overseas. Her work is held in private and public collections including Artbank and the NGA.