Sour Cherries

An Afghan Family Story


A moving, personal story about an Afghan refugee child and the sour cherries that connect him to family and home


ISBN: 9781419763625 Category:

Dezh Azaad


My favorite day is in the summer,
picking cherries with my mother.
Sour Cherries follows a summer day as an Afghan child learns to make sour cherry jam, stew, and tea with his mother, just like she learned from her mother. Pull the stem, pop the seed-together, they carefully prep their family dishes while sharing stories of his grandmother and the place they come from. Inspired by the author’s life, this warmhearted companion to The Carpet: An Afghan Family Story celebrates the taste of home.

Additional information

Weight 476 g
Dimensions 22.3 x 27.7 cm
Publisher name ABRAMS
Publication date 23 May 2024
Number of pages 32
Format Hardback
Contributors Illustrated by Nan Cao
Dimensions 22.3 x 27.7 cm
Weight 476 g
Dezh Azaad is an Afghan writer who’s been a refugee his whole life. He lives in Germany, where he teaches Persian to refugee children and leads seminars for teens and young adults on social change, race, and the climate crisis. Azaad loves tinkering with electronics and cooking meals that take five hours to make and five minutes to eat. He is the author of The Carpet: An Afghan Family Story. Nan Cao is a New York-based illustrator. Her work is inspired by surrealistic imagery and her daily life in the big city. When she is not drawing, Cao loves to hang out with the squirrels in the park, daydream under the sun, or get lost in her book collection. She has worked with clients such as Johns Hopkins Magazine, Anorak Magazine, Link NYC, Bulletin Magazine, Spectrum, and Washingtonian magazine. Cao holds an MFA in illustration as visual essay from the School of Visual Arts. Her work has been recognized by American Illustration, Society of Illustrators, Communication Arts, AOI, 3x3, and Creative Quarterly.