The Age of Empires


The story of thirteen Empires, showing their key role in the foundation of today’s global civilization


ISBN: 9780500295496 Category:


Empires evoke potent images: Stanley, Livingstone and the colonial gallery of great explorers; the Spanish Conquistador’s quest for gold and silver; and the Dutch heritage of trade in the East Indies. For over 500 years empires have been a feature of the political landscape and – a generation or more after the final collapse of most of the European Empires – the subject is still a major issue for historians.
For some countries – Germany and Italy – overseas dreams were short-lived; for others – the United States and the Soviet Union – imperialist activity existed but was never accepted as an official state policy; and the disappearance of the Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman Empires has obscured some of the imperial dimensions of these states.
This book shows how the maps of explorations, the chronologies of conquests, the records of settlers and administrators, the balance sheets of commerce and all else that made up the Age of Empires play a key role in explaining the global civilization of today.

Additional information

Weight 362 g
Dimensions 12.9 x 19.7 cm
Publisher name Thames and Hudson Ltd
Publication date 16 March 2020
Number of pages 376
Format Paperback / softback
Contributors Edited by Robert Aldrich
Dimensions 12.9 x 19.7 cm
Weight 362 g
Robert Aldrich is Professor of European History at at the University of Sydney. He is the author of several other books, including (as editor) Gay Life and Culture: A World History and Gay Life Stories, both published by Thames & Hudson.