The Brainiac’s Book of Robots and AI



ISBN: 9780500652862 Category:

Paul Virr


Paul Virr, STEM ambassador for the Bath Royal Scientific and Literary Institute, introduces readers to the myriad robots doing all the dull, dirty and dangerous work in our world.

This new addition to the Brainiac series approaches science and technology from a creative angle to make STEM learning as accessible and fun as possible. Hands-on activities include building a grippy robot hand, making a mechanical hopping frog, testing yourself for artificial intelligence, designing a battle-bot, and writing the first bill of robot rights. Readers will also find out which gross and scary jobs only robots can do, how nanobots could battle bugs inside the human body and why self-driving cars save lives.

Additional information

Weight 506 g
Dimensions 22.1 x 28.1 cm
Publisher name Thames and Hudson Ltd
Publication date 27 April 2023
Number of pages 64
Format Hardback
Contributors Illustrated by Harriet Russell
Dimensions 22.1 x 28.1 cm
Weight 506 g
Paul Virr is an editor and writer of children's non-fiction books. He edited the official children's guides for the Science Museum in London and the Museum of Science in Manchester, and is a registered STEM ambassador working with Bath Royal Scientific and Literary Institute.