The Journey

An oracle deck to help you find your place in the universe


The Journey is a deck for life’s small and large moments.


ISBN: 9781922417992 Categories: ,

Allison Filice


A friendly guide and sacred space for your own magnificent journey.

You are here, right on time and just as you should be, but sometimes that can be hard to see. The Journey contains 52 cards and a guidebook to provide signposts along your path towards growth, healing, creativity and your highest self. Designed as an oracle deck, you can pull a card (or more) a day, or just one for the week, and learn about their meaning in the accompanying book.

Allison Filice’s vibrant illustrations and nuggets of wisdom are a distillation of the lessons she’s learned along the way from art and life, offering insight to anyone on their own path.

Additional information

Weight 352 g
Dimensions 10.8 x 15.6 cm
Publisher name Smith Street Books
Publication date 27 September 2022
Number of pages
Format Cards
Contributors Illustrated by Allison Filice
Dimensions 10.8 x 15.6 cm
Weight 352 g


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Allison Filice is a San Francisco-based illustrator whose clients include The New York Times, Frog Design, WSJ, The New Yorker, Bandcamp and more. She writes about creativity and hosts The Friendly Unknown podcast.