The Portland Vase: Mania & Muse (1780-2023)


This book is not yet published, but will be available from September 2024.

ISBN: 9783777441566 Category:


The Portland Vase, the ancient Roman glass cameo amphora held in the British Museum, has been replicated and reinterpreted countless times, becoming a global brand that has resonated with makers, collectors, and consumers for centuries.

Featuring more than 65 artworks, this book examines the role of brands in our culture and asks why Western Classical traditions dominate the artistic canon, and how that canon might be reconsidered and disrupted. Josiah Wedgwood, Viola Frey, Clare Twomey and Robert Lugo, among others engaged with the cameo-glass masterpiece. Their creative conceptual choices respond to complex histories of transfiguration and representation to create a new set of visual and cultural dialogues.

Additional information

Weight 300 g
Dimensions 25.4 x 25.4 cm
Publisher name Hirmer Verlag GmbH
Publication date 20 September 2024
Number of pages 112
Format Hardback
Contributors Edited by Crocker Art Museum and Rachel Gotlieb, Text by Anne Forschler-Tarrasch
Dimensions 25.4 x 25.4 cm
Weight 300 g
Rachel Gotlieb (PhD) is the Ruth Rippon Curator of Ceramics at the Crocker Art Museum, Sacramento, California, USA. She is the author of Ceramics in the Victorian Era (1840- 1890): Meanings and Metaphors in Painting and Literature (Bloomsbury 2023). Previously she was Chief Curator at the Gardiner Museum of Ceramic Art, Toronto Canada.