This Book Is Literally Just Pictures of Snoozy Animals That Will Make You Sleep Better


Screw meditative methods, white-noise machines, and chamomile tea – this photographic compilation of silly sweeties napping will lull you peacefully to sleep.

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ISBN: 9781925811384 Category:

Smith Street Books


As suggested by its title, this ridiculous book is a sleeping aid which harnesses the relaxing power of cute animals. Well, wait–haven’t you heard? The secret to a happy and fulfilled life is to just get eight hours of sleep per night. Except there’s one big catch: getting a good sleep is borderline impossible in our current snoozing climate. We’ve got smartphones forever by our bedside–complete with the blue-light temptation of scrolling through social media till sunrise. There’s only one solution: turn off the phone, and flick instead through this therapeutic book of snoozy animals. They will coo you into sleepy submission.

As its title subtly suggests, this book is literally just pictures of snoozing animals. Some of the lil’ sleepy sweeties featured include resting raccoons, cats having a catnap, napping numbats, siesta-ing seals, drowsy dingoes, slumbering sloths, and zebras catching some much-needed Zs. Toward these furry angels we must turn in these dire times of sleeplessness to get a good night’s sleep of our own.

Additional information

Weight 374 g
Dimensions 16.7 x 19.2 cm
Publisher name Smith Street Books
Publication date 1 February 2020
Number of pages 96
Format Hardback
Dimensions 16.7 x 19.2 cm
Weight 374 g